The Junior Investigator Award is given to outstanding young researchers in the field of virology during the European Congress of Virology (ECV). The Junior Investigator Award 2016 will be awarded during the 6th ECV in Hamburg, October 19-22, 2016.
Guidelines for Nominations
- Candidates should be within ten years* of completing their PhD. Women candidates should be allowed 18 months additional for each child born post PhD.
- There should be a European connection: either the candidate should be European or most of the work by the candidate should have been done in Europe.
- The candidate should show clear evidence of independence – judged, for example, by being senior author on (recent) publications.
- Nomination: Self-nomination, supported by two senior colleagues, full members of ESV or members of ESV-associated societies, or, nominations proposed by ESV Executive Board, by ESV Advisory Council or directly by the Chairman of the Award Committee.
*Therefore, for the Junior Investigator Award 2016, candidates should have been awarded their PhD no earlier than 2006.
Nomination Materials
Your nomination should include:
- Name of candidate
- Current place of work
- Year PhD awarded
- Candidate’s scientific career and scientific achievements (500 words)
- Top 5 publications
- Citation by proposer/seconder (300 words)
- 1 page short CV: education, prizes/awards, funding, committees, etc
- Full publication list
The Award
Award lecture at the European Congress of Virology, Award Certificate and a Travel Award
Nomination Deadline: 10th August 2016
Nominations should be sent to Professor John Skehel (Mill Hill Laboratory, The Francis Crick Instiute, London, UK), Chairman of the Awards Committe by email: