ESV News 1/2017

Dear Members,

as in 2016 we will provide you in 2017 with at least four newsletters with sections like “upcoming events, actualities, latest news in virology, vacancies, awards”.

The content of our newsletters is obviously also dependent on support by the ESV members, therefore we cordially invite you to send contributions to either of the above mentioned sections to The European Congress of Virology in Hamburg in October 2016 was a great scientific event and we want to thank Joachim Hauber and all the local organizers for their great effort.

Today we like to remind you of the forthcoming 5th Seminar in Virology taking place again in Bertinoro. The deadline for abstract submissions will be the 25th of Mai. Please see the attached announcement.

As “breakthrough in virology” we have decided to present a paper by Bouziat, Romain, et al. Reovirus infection triggers inflammatory responses to dietary antigens and development of celiac disease. Science, 2017, 356.6333: 44-50, which we found very stimulating.

Best wishes

Giorgio Palu, President
Thomas Mertens, Secretary

“breakthrough in virology”

Coeliac disease (CD) is a unique immune disease characterized by a T-cell immune response against wheat associated gluten in patients expressing the HLA DQ2 or DQ8 alleles. In CD, the usual immunologic tolerance towards dietary antigens is broken, causing intestinal villous atrophy and protean clinical consequences ranging from malabsorption to intestinal lymphoma. It has been long hypothesised that infectious agents may trigger an immune response towards gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. However, most studies on this topic rely on epidemiological data as it proved difficult to establish a solid experimental model to study the interaction between single infectious agents and onset of CD. In BOUZIAT, Romain, et al. Reovirus infection triggers inflammatory responses to dietary antigens and development of celiac disease. Science, 2017, 356.6333: 44-50. , a very interesting model involving the human T1L and T3D isolates of the dsRNA reovirus and mice was developed. Both strains do not cause intestinal damage, but T1L is able to infect intestinal epithelial cells and elicit an immune response, while the T3D is not. A reassortant T3D (T3D-RV) harbouring the S1 and L2 genetic segments of T1L was produced. T3D-RV proved able to infect the intestine and generate a protective immune response. Nevertheless, when the authors of the study performed a non-biased gene expression profiling assay on lamina propria (Lp) and mesenteric lymphnodes (mLN) tissues, they discovered that especially after 48 hours T1L caused a markedly higher expression of genes involved in immune and inflammatory pathways such as IFN-I signaling. Furthermore, T1L induced a proinflammatory phenotype in a subset of mLN dendritic cells which takes up most dietary ovalbumin. In vivo, T1L also inhibited the conversion of ovalbumin specific CD4+ T cells into regulatory T cells (Tregs) promoting their differentiation into proinflammatory Th1-like cells. Eventually, the authors studied the effect of T1L infection in CD-predisposed transgenic DQ8tg mice, which lost oral tolerance to gluten, with the induction of anti-gliadin antibodies and a cutaneous Th1 hypersensitivity reaction to gluten. This animal model provides mechanistic insights into the role of viruses in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease, through modulation of the host immune response.

Alberto Reale, MD, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Italy

Upcoming Events

5th EuSeV: Virus infections of the nervous system


Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 5th European Seminar in Virology (EuSeV), which will focus on Virus infections of the nervous system, and will take place in the University of Bologna Residential Center in Bertinoro, Italy, June 16-18, 2017.

We have put together an exciting program, including both well-known and emerging viruses with an emphasis on Zika virus, with eminent state-of-the art keynote speakers. The topics cover: The biology of viruses, Pathogenesis and host response, Transmission, Zoonosis, Epidemiology & Surveillance, Vaccines and Antivirals. Further abstracts within the topic for oral or poster presentations are very welcome and should be submitted using the following e-mail address

Abstract (oral and poster presentations) deadline: May 25
Students submitting an abstract may apply for a travel grant (5 grants; 300€ each).

Confirmed keynote speakers: Ruth Brack-Werner (Germany), Judy Breuer (UK), Maria Grazia Cusi (Italy), Antonina Dolei (Italy), David Knipe (USA), Dimitri Lavillette (Shanghai), Patrick Lomonte (France), Jonathan Miner (USA), Giorgio Palù (Italy), Lenore Pereira (USA), Valeria Pietropaolo (Italy), J. Schneider- Schaulies (Germany),  Gavin Screaton (UK), Nöel Tordo (France), Dana Wolf (Israel), and more..

The facility is located 60 Km East of Bologna in the monumental area of the Bishop’s Fortress. The surrounding area is the Appenines with hillsides covered by the local “Albana di Bertinoro” vineyards. Local transportation from and to Bologna airport will be provided. The meeting will start on the afternoon of Friday June 16, and end on Sunday June 18, noon.

Registration (including airport transportation, accommodation, and meals):
380 € (single room accommodation)
330 € (double room accomodation)
250 € for students (double room accomodation)

Registration at:

Gabriella Campadelli-Fume, Thomas Mertens, Giorgio Palù, Dana Wolf ,
Co-organizers of the 5th EuSeV

10th International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates (ISVLV)
04.06. – 07.06.2017 Budapest, Hungary

10th International Conference on Human Herpesvirus 6 and 7
23.06. – 26.06.2017 Berlin, Germany

20th International Workshop on Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes Virus (KSHV) and Related Agents
25.07. – 28.07.2017 Berlin, Germany

Job Market

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) jointly invite applications for the following position commencing as soon as possible:

Associate Professorship in Virology

(Salary group: W2 BBesG)
Reference number: Prof. 481/2017

The employment will be for five years with the possibility of further extension or tenure following successful evaluation.

This professorship is part of the BIH Program ‘Personalized Medicine for Progressive Diseases’. Important conceptual contributions to the program are expected.

We envisage a research focus in genomic virology but are entirely open for bright ideas in molecular and experimental virology. The ideal candidate will conduct basic research with a perspective on novel diagnostics or treatments in humans. The entire spectrum of personalized medicine from viromics to viral interventive tools in infectious, degenerative and neoplastic disease is of interest. Charité and its laboratory branch, Labor Berlin GmbH, provide an ideal translational outlet for basic research.

Charité and BIH seek to fill this position with an outstanding and enthusiastic scientist. A publication record demonstrating vision and impact, as well as competitive research funding are considered a prerequisite for application.

The successful candidate will be engaged in teaching activities at Charité, BIH, and Max-Delbrück Center (MDC), supervise Master and Doctoral candidates, and participate in academic self-organization.

Qualifications: as per § 100 Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG) junior professorship or postdoctoral thesis (Habilitation), or equivalent scientific achievement and teaching qualification. Completed university degree as well as doctorate (Ph.D and/or M.D.) in medicine or natural sciences with significant post-doctoral experience. A board Certificate for virology, microbiology and infection epidemiology is not obligatory.

Charité and BIH are committed to increasing the proportion of women among the scientific staff, therefore we strongly encourage women to apply. Women will be given preference over equally qualified men (within the framework of the legal possibilities). Candidates with immigrant background who fulfill the necessary requirements are explicitly encouraged to apply. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference.

Charité is certified by the audit “family-friendly university” and a member of the “Dual Career Network Berlin” (

Written applications according to the format
specified on
should be submitted
by June 9, 2017 at

Informal inquiries about the position should be directed to the Director of the Department of Virology, Prof. Christian Drosten ( ).

Immunobiology of Viral Infections

International Center for Infectiology Research – CIRI
INSERM U1111, CNRS UMR5308, University Lyon I, ENS de Lyon, Laboratoire d’Excellence ECOFECT, France

Web site:

Post-doctoral position in Immuno-Virology

A two year ANR-funded post-doctoral position is available in our laboratory starting from Autumn 2017, to study immunopathogenesis of Nipah virus infection and develop novel prophylactic and therapeutic anti-viral approaches. This zoonotic virus, ranked by WHO among top 8 emerging pathogens likely to cause major epidemics, provokes severe disease with high fatality rates, without any existing licenced prevention and treatment, representing thus an ongoing threat to human health globally, and providing an important focus for further research.

Applicants should have a doctoral degree and a strong background in virology and/or innate immune response, with some experience in animal experimentation and interest in new emerging viruses. Research autonomy and capacity to conduct intellectually and experimentally challenging project will be appreciated.

European or Swiss nationality is required by ANR for the position. Salary range will depend on past experience, according to INSERM scales. Closing date for applications is 15th June 2017.

The laboratory is hosted within the CIRI, the institute dedicated to multi-disciplinary research in infectious diseases in Lyon. The CIRI provides an exciting and multi-cultural environment to carry out research, with topics that range from virology, bacteriology to immunology. The Institute offers state-of-the-art facilities that will be used to carry out the project. Laboratory is in close proximity to BSL4 laboratory and also nearby the downtown Lyon, second largest urban area in France.

Please, send your application with the complete CV and contact details for 2 referees by mail to:

Dr. Branka HORVAT
International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI)
Université Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon
21 Avenue Tony Garnier
69365 Lyon CEDEX 07

Tel : 33 4 37 28 23 92
FAX : 33 4 37 28 23 91

Please feel free to contact us should you have any suggestions and ideas for the upcoming newsletters:

© 2017 European Society for Virology